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Empire Framed
In the beautiful concrete urban
frame, on the back, mighty, the
Empire State Building. The 5 th
Avenue skyscraper is so high
that easily stands out. Stone
jungle, night of lights receiving
every dream. In what frame
does the city sleep
Limited Edition 3 Units/Size
size1: 40in x 64in - 100cm x 162cm
Mixed midia on canvas canson@infinity or Hahnemühle
art-audio-guide-Empire Framed
00:00 / 01:02
Empire Framed
背景出 现了气势磅礡的帝国大厦。
脱 颖而出。 石 头丛林,灯火通明
的夜,接受着所有的梦。 这个城
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